Live at 9am ET: Day X: Day 2 ON THE GROUND, US Rejects Ceasefire AGAIN, Morning Joe Calls Republicans COMMUNISTS
Hi everyone,
We're live at 9am ET on all of our platforms.
On this stream: Russell's footage from day two of the Assange Day X hearings - US rejects another UN ceasefire deal - Morning Joe calls the GOP soft on Communism - and more.
We hope you can all tune in. Thanks as always for your support.
OUTSTANDING about CHINA ( ~~ 15 minutes – very good )
Dr. David Daokui Li, China's World View: Demystifying China to Prevent Global Conflict
Close but no cigar
RINOS are sodomites
demoRats are pedophiles been this way since Lincoln,
as Lincoln was a sodomite KING;