A long time ago I used to listen to David Pakman, but that ended when he said some outrageously erroneous things. Don't even remember what it was, but it was serious. Same thing with The Young Turks (sorry, but they used to not suck as hard as they do now), Secular Talk (Kyle Kulinski, also not as sucky as today), The Humanist Report (Mike Figueredo, again not as sucky) and probably some I have forgotten all about.

The one channel for news (mainly on US politics) that I have followed for a long time is The Jimmy Dore Show. He's funny, honest (he admits he was wrong when he is proven wrong, which attracts followers from all political viewpoints) and isn't afraid to touch sensitive or controversial topics. He's not always right, but hey, who is? At least I have not heard him say anything as asinine as the others has said, or keep saying it when he has been informed of his error.

Once upon a time, Jon Stewart was pretty good at it too, when he hosted The Daily Show. Sure, he got some things wrong as well, but at least he was better at informing Americans of current events than all the other news shows; that was even shown in polls. Then he pinned a medal on a literal Nazi at Disney World.

As Caitlin Johnstone said (and probably many others before her): don't have heroes. They are bound to disappoint you at some point, and the higher the pedestal, the longer the fall. Better to follow Frederick Douglass'(?) idea: I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.

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Don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters. It took me a long time to really take that to heart. Because leaders are not just elected, they include all those you look up to. They will always eventually disappoint.

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Someone named Kimberly Gosline asked this pretty apt question on YT regarding the Julianna Margulies segment: "I'm sorry but who tf is this girl and why should anyone care what she has to say?" Since "Abandon all hope, those who enter" has been the writing on the gates of YT comment sections for quite some time now, I will answer it here: "Nobody. And no one cares. But the DD duo needs to throw a daily bone of infotainment to their flock. So enjoy..." This is to say that I may be wrong but it looks like DD themselves are a couple of steps away from becoming some sort of Pakman/Kulinski joint effort for their target audience...

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Hoping you could help a fellow dissident out. Headed to the NYC this weekend from the West Coast/Oregon and need some pizza & bagel recommendations, please. Anyone remember Russell's? PL&U

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Jeffrey Sachs Testimony at the UN Security Council Meeting - November 20, 2023


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