I am not Woke,

I am not anti-Woke

However, I am Broke

But I identify as anti-Broke!

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"Wokeism" is Class War in Drag. Divisionism. Kleptocratic Oligarchical Empire, based on colourism/racism, neo-feudalism. We are well warned. Wakey wakey folks, sh*t just getting real.

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Norm never accounts for Islam's 14 centuries of imperial conquest and barbarism, far worse than most Western nation ever dreamed of doing. And it's unreformed. Since Hamas and all other Muslims fold the fight against the Zionists into Jihad, they cannot claim to be seeking peace as Islam seeks total world domination (read the Koran, it's explicit). The purpose of Jihad is to convert all to Islam or at least conquer and subjugate the infidels. As long as Islam remains unreformed to remove it's imperial and oppressive doctrines, no serious moral thinker can support it. Hence we see that Prof Finklestein is not serious - informed, yes. Unafraid to speak uncomfortable truths, sure. But not serious morally despite all his posing to seem so.

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I saw Bernie Sanders campaign as.a sheep dogging operation from the beginning. The quest to reform the Democratic Party is a fool's errand. He advocated medicare for all and other reforms that conflicted with the neoliberal agenda of both the Republican and Democratic Party leadership. That was his campaign's only virtue.

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