Anyone who has ever tried to reason with, cajole, prevail upon, talk sense to, or in any other way, shape, or form, get anything out of the Democratic Party, has come to discover pretty quickly that there’s no one manning the phones.
The "Democrats," or what i call the Democratic half of our one American Capitalist Party (ACP) is a regime that runs two (carefully vetted, well-funded) candidates for all significant offices and they always win. Think of the old Soviet Communist Party, but the capitalist version: there are no differences.
The D-ACP is what the "Democrats" became after President Bill Clinton: the socially liberal, fiscally conservative "New Democrats," or basically Republicans that have to lure and lie to their voters.
Will the D-ACP vote for M4All? They may tease us with it, but what the D-ACP did with their citizen-sponsored CalCare (think tax-paid, Medicare for all in CA) was predictable: their state legislators do not have enough R-ACP members to kill it. The D-ACP members cannot vote for it (loss of corporate campaign "donations") and they cannot vote against it (voters will take them out). What is the only solution?
Another fine example is the Trump/Biden Medicare privatization program, which introduces Wall Street invested, for-profit middlemen who can keep up to 40% of Medicare money not spent of participants, and they are allowed to upcode any conditions (a heart murmur can be coded as COPD). This of course will bankrupt the system very quickly, and it is Our money we have been paying our entire worklives.
The PNHP stopped Trump's Medicare DC, but Biden as reinitiated and rebranded it as Medicare REACH:
I voted for Sanders in the 2016 primaries, and I watched as votes were reduced during the counting.... there is simply zero possibility that stadium-filling Sanders could lose the primary to half-auxiliiary gymnasium Hillary Clinton. This was challenged in Federal Court, and they simply said that they are a private corporation and can anything that isn't illegal, including picking whomever they wish as their candidate.
Only crickets are heard.... nothing seems to stir up Sh*tLibs. The only reason Sanders was allowed to run (twice) is to distract progressives for "this time" so they won't actually do something somewhere else. Even "The Squad" is pretty much assimilated into the ACP: nothing on #ForceTheVote, no action on abortion, climate change, public education, food safety, .... Representative Tlaib presented a bill to recognize the ongoing destruction of Palestine. It is a nice gesture and will never pass: AIPAC would never allow this.
You cannot reform the D-ACP; once money is entrenched, it can never be stopped or altered in favor of We the People.
It can only be changed by 100,000s of people in the streets or a General Strike.
Chris Hedges has remarked on this for years, and a General Strike happens at the end of an actively harmful government. Ours is still passive, but slowly moving towards actively harmful (recent abortion issue).
The climate clock is running out of time, however. ...and the sheep continue grazing as they are pushed into the slaughterhouse.
I voted for President Obama, but only once (after his proven campaign lies), and have been voting Green since 2012 and will never vote for any ACP candidate.
I sadly must agree. I was devastated when Sanders capitulated yet again in the primary, because of covid? But I watched the same thing in 2016, with the votes, after having phone banked and canvassing for him. I watched on Twitter periscope when they railroaded Bernie supporters at the Nevada caucus. And then had to watch the msm paint Sanders supporters as violent sore losers. And Sanders, instead of defending his supporters against these attacks and those of ‘bernie bros’, admonished us? If he runs again, I’m still voting green, because Sanders will just draw people into the party to vote for him in the primary, again. And he’ll ‘concede’ for whatever establishment goon they put forth, after the msm has sufficiently pilloried him for not being realistic or electable.
One does not support or join and become a member of a political party by registering with the state in order to vote for progressives running on the Democratic Party (DP) ballot-line in local, state, and national offices.
Berniecrats are not Democrats but are a surrogate “3rd Party” working within the Democratic Party (DP) with the mission of driving out the influence of corporations, foreign countries, and large, SuperPAC donors by replacing neoliberal democrats one at a time. Berniecrats are separate from the DP and we are not responsible for their actions nor answer for them. It’s not about Biden or the DP; it’s about tactical use of the DP ballot-line as the best strategy to get progressive legislation enacted. How to Take Over Your Local Democratic Party Step by Step. (Add https)://
It must be recognized that while supporting a 3rd party sounds like a good idea, the system is rigged for two and the best strategy is to take over one of them. Robert Steele: RIGGED – Twelve Ways the Two-Party Tyranny Rigs the US Electoral System to Block Out Independents, Small Parties, and 70% of the Eligible Voters
Meagan Day is brilliant and although the post is dated it is still relevant and discusses why the timing is not right for a 3rd party. Meagan Day talks with Krystal Ball about the future of the left.
Berniecrats and the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), et al. suggest that Independents and Third Party folks, consider supporting our shared goals by registering in the DP in the tactical use of the ballot-line in order to vote for progressive candidates in the Primary Election for local, state, national, and party offices. Jane Sanders: At the Left Forum 2018 Opening Plenary - A Broken System: How We Got Here Streamed live on Jun 1, 2018. “Consider registering to vote in the Democratic primary."
In considering the dynamics of the current political environment, the members of the Democratic Socialists of America have decided that the best tactic in reaching their final goal of a third party is to support the Berniecrat Inside /Outside strategy.
Most third parties do not have primaries therefore in these states third party and independents give up nothing and at the same time help in electing progressives. Berniecrats have and will continue to support progressive, third party and independent candidates. Third parties are a protest vote and are not going to change the system.
It’s Time for a Tea Party of the Left: Progressives should take a page from the inside-outside strategy embraced by the far-right movement Using the same Tea Party strategy, WaPo Warns Progressive Dems: They Could Win
Do we need another political party? Or should we combine our forces, follow Bernie, and restructure the DP with a proven strategy that worked for the Tea Party. DemExit is exactly what neoliberal politicians would like to happen in order to eliminate all opposition that matters.
The "Democrats," or what i call the Democratic half of our one American Capitalist Party (ACP) is a regime that runs two (carefully vetted, well-funded) candidates for all significant offices and they always win. Think of the old Soviet Communist Party, but the capitalist version: there are no differences.
The D-ACP is what the "Democrats" became after President Bill Clinton: the socially liberal, fiscally conservative "New Democrats," or basically Republicans that have to lure and lie to their voters.
Will the D-ACP vote for M4All? They may tease us with it, but what the D-ACP did with their citizen-sponsored CalCare (think tax-paid, Medicare for all in CA) was predictable: their state legislators do not have enough R-ACP members to kill it. The D-ACP members cannot vote for it (loss of corporate campaign "donations") and they cannot vote against it (voters will take them out). What is the only solution?
Another fine example is the Trump/Biden Medicare privatization program, which introduces Wall Street invested, for-profit middlemen who can keep up to 40% of Medicare money not spent of participants, and they are allowed to upcode any conditions (a heart murmur can be coded as COPD). This of course will bankrupt the system very quickly, and it is Our money we have been paying our entire worklives.
The PNHP stopped Trump's Medicare DC, but Biden as reinitiated and rebranded it as Medicare REACH:
I voted for Sanders in the 2016 primaries, and I watched as votes were reduced during the counting.... there is simply zero possibility that stadium-filling Sanders could lose the primary to half-auxiliiary gymnasium Hillary Clinton. This was challenged in Federal Court, and they simply said that they are a private corporation and can anything that isn't illegal, including picking whomever they wish as their candidate.
Only crickets are heard.... nothing seems to stir up Sh*tLibs. The only reason Sanders was allowed to run (twice) is to distract progressives for "this time" so they won't actually do something somewhere else. Even "The Squad" is pretty much assimilated into the ACP: nothing on #ForceTheVote, no action on abortion, climate change, public education, food safety, .... Representative Tlaib presented a bill to recognize the ongoing destruction of Palestine. It is a nice gesture and will never pass: AIPAC would never allow this.
You cannot reform the D-ACP; once money is entrenched, it can never be stopped or altered in favor of We the People.
It can only be changed by 100,000s of people in the streets or a General Strike.
Chris Hedges has remarked on this for years, and a General Strike happens at the end of an actively harmful government. Ours is still passive, but slowly moving towards actively harmful (recent abortion issue).
The climate clock is running out of time, however. ...and the sheep continue grazing as they are pushed into the slaughterhouse.
I voted for President Obama, but only once (after his proven campaign lies), and have been voting Green since 2012 and will never vote for any ACP candidate.
I sadly must agree. I was devastated when Sanders capitulated yet again in the primary, because of covid? But I watched the same thing in 2016, with the votes, after having phone banked and canvassing for him. I watched on Twitter periscope when they railroaded Bernie supporters at the Nevada caucus. And then had to watch the msm paint Sanders supporters as violent sore losers. And Sanders, instead of defending his supporters against these attacks and those of ‘bernie bros’, admonished us? If he runs again, I’m still voting green, because Sanders will just draw people into the party to vote for him in the primary, again. And he’ll ‘concede’ for whatever establishment goon they put forth, after the msm has sufficiently pilloried him for not being realistic or electable.
===== The Berniecrat Inside /Outside Strategy
supported by:
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA),
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA),
Social Democrats USA (SDUSA)
Working Families Party (WFP)
Disease in the body politic requires surgery.
Giving up is not an Option;
Whining is not a Strategy;
Magical Thinking is not a Plan.
One does not support or join and become a member of a political party by registering with the state in order to vote for progressives running on the Democratic Party (DP) ballot-line in local, state, and national offices.
Berniecrats are not Democrats but are a surrogate “3rd Party” working within the Democratic Party (DP) with the mission of driving out the influence of corporations, foreign countries, and large, SuperPAC donors by replacing neoliberal democrats one at a time. Berniecrats are separate from the DP and we are not responsible for their actions nor answer for them. It’s not about Biden or the DP; it’s about tactical use of the DP ballot-line as the best strategy to get progressive legislation enacted. How to Take Over Your Local Democratic Party Step by Step. (Add https)://
It must be recognized that while supporting a 3rd party sounds like a good idea, the system is rigged for two and the best strategy is to take over one of them. Robert Steele: RIGGED – Twelve Ways the Two-Party Tyranny Rigs the US Electoral System to Block Out Independents, Small Parties, and 70% of the Eligible Voters
Meagan Day is brilliant and although the post is dated it is still relevant and discusses why the timing is not right for a 3rd party. Meagan Day talks with Krystal Ball about the future of the left.
Berniecrats and the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), et al. suggest that Independents and Third Party folks, consider supporting our shared goals by registering in the DP in the tactical use of the ballot-line in order to vote for progressive candidates in the Primary Election for local, state, national, and party offices. Jane Sanders: At the Left Forum 2018 Opening Plenary - A Broken System: How We Got Here Streamed live on Jun 1, 2018. “Consider registering to vote in the Democratic primary."
In considering the dynamics of the current political environment, the members of the Democratic Socialists of America have decided that the best tactic in reaching their final goal of a third party is to support the Berniecrat Inside /Outside strategy.
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) 2021-22 National Electoral Strategy (pp.3-4, § 2, ¶¶ 2, 3, 6); and see: Search text for: ballot-line at Resolutions #6, #8, #11 (3, 5). and see:
Social Democrats USA (SDUSA): @ Item #6,
Progressive Democrats of America (PDA):, and
Working Families Party (WFP):
Most third parties do not have primaries therefore in these states third party and independents give up nothing and at the same time help in electing progressives. Berniecrats have and will continue to support progressive, third party and independent candidates. Third parties are a protest vote and are not going to change the system.
It’s Time for a Tea Party of the Left: Progressives should take a page from the inside-outside strategy embraced by the far-right movement Using the same Tea Party strategy, WaPo Warns Progressive Dems: They Could Win
Do we need another political party? Or should we combine our forces, follow Bernie, and restructure the DP with a proven strategy that worked for the Tea Party. DemExit is exactly what neoliberal politicians would like to happen in order to eliminate all opposition that matters.