Jul 21Liked by Ellin Jimmerson

Thank you for this very well-written and cogent summary of the history of immigration, attendant with its causes and effects, which are often ignored. I am glad you highlighted the important role Article 27 of the Mexican Consitution of 1917, regarding land reform after the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1917. While it indeed was designed to ensure a more equitable distribution of land vis-a-vis the unequal hacienda system, it also angered US nationals who owned property and businesses in Mexico with the following provision: "Only Mexicans by birth or naturalization have the right to acquire onwership of lands, waters...or to obtain concessions for the exploitation of mines or waters". This did not please big business from the US, especially those with mining and oil interests in Mexico. Leave it up to the corrupt ex-President Carlos Salinas de Gortati to strike Article 27, which had established a sort of social stability in Mexico. The obvious result, as pointed out by Ellin Jimmerson, was increased poverty for the campesinos, instability, and immigration to the US under the most dire of circumstances.

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Thanks so much! And thanks, too, for the additional information.

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Jul 21Liked by Ellin Jimmerson

Thank you for writing an article that needed to be written!

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Jul 18Liked by Ellin Jimmerson

Wow. Thanks for the education. What a mess & a bi-partisan mess at usual ..

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Jul 17Liked by Ellin Jimmerson

This is an excellent summary. Thank you! I knew some of the issues re: NAFTA but didn't know the particulars. I think it also lead to the rise in drug cartels, people couldn't make a living any other way. That may be pure speculation, but idk.

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NAFTA didn't help the situation, no. There were other factors, e.g. Mara Salvatrucha or MS-13 was a gang that developed in Los Angeles as protection for El Salvadoran refugees there. Then numbers were deported to El Salvador where they continued doing what they knew how to do.

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Do we think the marketing genius who came up with “Parole in Place” was the same one who came up with the “Putin Price Hike?” #alliteration

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Jul 17Liked by Ellin Jimmerson

I can still hear Ross Perot’s words “NAFTA is bad!”


“Let me finish. Will you let me finish?”

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Ah, yes: "that giant sucking sound". Thank you for your comment.

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Jul 17Liked by Ellin Jimmerson

Oh! Lol! How could I forget that?

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Jul 19Liked by Ellin Jimmerson

100% politically motivate.. his way of saying I'm not racistvi swear.

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Yes. Definitely not motivated by humanitarianism.

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Jul 17Liked by Ellin Jimmerson

Thank you. Excellent and informative article

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Y'all, footnote 7 is incorrect. The correct link is this one: https://www.dhs.gov/news/2024/06/17/fact-sheet-dhs-announces-new-process-promote-unity-and-stability-families. If someone is considering applying for parole in place, they should read this one. And talk with an immigration attorney.

My apology.

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“Secret Service deliberately failed to protect Trump” – Scott Ritter -- OUTSTANDING and fairly definitive !!

(ordered by “establishment” – which remember includes GOP RINOs which are majority Rs in both Senate and Congress)


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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Millions of these so-called "refugees and asylum seekers" that Biden and (((Mayorkass))) are flooding into the country are being pushed into Black and POC communities. Are you an agent of the Democrat Party which is hoping to replace the Black voting bloc with these "new arrivals"? Or are you just another Jew helping funnel the 3rd World into anglo countries, like you've done to Europe? How many grapes and murders by illegals are enough for you to admit that a secure border actually makes sense and supporting such does not make one a "racist bigot", lol? How many illegals are you currently housing and paying for? Americans have had enough of you oh-so-holy bleeding-heart liberals forcing this Open Borders stupidity onto the rest of us who are not religious zealots.

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