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Hi guys,

RE: Zionism and Judaism, please allow me to offer for your consideration a few propositions:

1) that Judaism was indeed, in its inception, a historical religion, tied to a place, and to a Temple (even as it is true that rabbinicism in the Diaspora is more like a "religion of the Book");

2) that in the purest forms of rabbinic Judaism there is indeed no aspiration to "make a return," but not because rabbinic Jews have no desire to return, but rather because faithful rabbinic Jews are waiting upon God for this consummation--while secular Zionists like Herzl, on the other hand, did not feel at all compelled to wait upon God to effect such a return (but rather seemed to consider such a wait to be unaffordable);

3) that Herzl (together with Rothschild) hooked/guilted/suckered British Christians like Balfour into giving over to Eastern European Jews a portion of the Mandate by playing upon Christian nostalgia for an Israel that Zionists actually had no desire to realize: Zionists didn't desire a homeland so as to once again be free to make true sacrifice pleasing to God (the purpose of the existence of the biblical Israel); they were after ethnic security and sovereignty. (There was also for the British an added incentive of pacifying the Zionists inside the Mandate who were violently and incorrigibly agitating for the partition of Palestine.)

Love you guys. Feel free to dissent (as you do).

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