Clare Daly is a Lady of utmost Integrity and gravitas. On the right side of history. She may have lost her seat, but she'll never lose her Soul, or my respect.

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Thanks. And -- Trump Being A "Convicted Felon" Does Not Magically Make Him A Mortal Enemy Of "The Establishment" -- Michel Tracey – June 13, 2024 An OUTSTANDING analysis -- well researched and supported by facts.

In summary -- Biden or Trump == are SAME in all essentials. With Biden cabal, as astute Putin stated, being more predictable.

• So -- for whom to vote -- Jill Stein or RFK, Jr. ? I know, I know -- RFK, Jr. and Gaza.... ;-((

• The current system is completely rotten at all levels - BUT firmly in grip of war Uniparty.

RFK Jr. , a Democrat outsider, looks like willing to attempt to blow-away the bipartisan war Uniparty.

Instead, it will highly likely blow him away...



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