===== Forget political parties; follow a political strategy.


One does not support or join and become a member of a political party by registering with the state in order to vote for progressives running on the Democratic Party (DP) ballot-line in local, state, or /and national offices.


Berniecrats are not Democrats but are “3rd Party” working within the Democratic Party (DP) with the mission of driving out the influence of corporations, foreign countries, and large, SuperPAC donors with the tactical use of the DP ballot-line to vote on the party rules, the platform your state uses, who represents your party on a state and national levels by replacing neoliberal democrats one at a time. Berniecrats are separate from the DP and not responsible for their actions nor do we answer for them.


It’s all about the Primary Election where candidates are chosen to run in the General Election that is more important. Independent and 3rd party candidates do not have primaries in many states and in others are too few in number to effect the outcome of an election. Vote as you wish in a General Election.


Vote where it will be the most effective in electing candidates that take no SuperPAC money and will enact progressive legislation. The Democratic Party (DP) is weakest in red states and in red counties in blue states. Focus on these areas were the DP is the easiest to take over and change our world. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.”


How to Take Over Your Local Democratic Party Step by Step.

(Add https)://pplswar.wordpress.com/2017/01/09/how-to-take-over-your-local-democratic-party-step-by-step/




Megan Day, staff writer at Jacobin magazine and member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), talks about the future of the left and the importance of continuing to push progressive ideals in congress. Megan advocates for the Berniecrat strategy of the tactical use of the Democratic Party (DP) ballot-line as the best strategy at this time. https://youtu.be/P6Wf9fxGM2Q


Let us not argue about what political-economic system we each envision in some far distant, future, perfect system before we solve a problem staring us in the face today. Let us work in-common-cause on this today's problems and argue about the far distant future, tomorrow.



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Bernie is not going to run as a separate 3rd party. Berniecrats are not Democrats but are “3rd Party” working within the Democratic Party (DP) using their ballot-line to restructure the party. He has said so on several occasions that he would not run 3rd party and he would have to abandon Our Revolution and his strategy. Ain't going to happen.

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