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Hi guys, great one - as ever! Keaton is right, Brandon is toast. Remember "Man of the Year" movie, with Robin Williams? The Dems are desperately looking for Zelensky-like clown around whom they can create a narrative and rig the elections.

Would not have made any difference, whomever they might put forward: They are all clowns.

Perhaps, they might get someone that plays the guitar with their cock? The Naked Cowboy? No they can't have him, he is MAGA...

Yup! Dolly Parton: Part tits, part plastic. And Newsome as her running mate - part shit, the rest nothingness. A marriage from heaven: Redneck Hilly-Billies + SF Libtards = MAGA - Make Agony Grossly Abhorrent.

Something like that; just thinking aloud.

Best from Shaftwerk - shaftwerk.substack.com

P.S. According to the U.S. Grade 5 History material, Putin's version of Russian history is correct: "Greek missionaries from Constantinople brought Christianity to

the Russian city of Kiev in about 900."

Link: https://www.coreknowledge.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/CKHG-G5_U7-8_Online-Resources-Czars-and-Shoguns_W1.pdf


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