let’s be real that any housing offered will be just another give away to the plague of developers who create devastation to bid on rebuilds in their wake of it. those same who bought up housing stock after the housing crises that saw shady refinancing throw people out of their homes owned for years and now nothing available except for astronomical rents that then throw those people elistist scummy vanguard of black rocked scoopers of that same wealth step over on the streets. too much duplicity spewing out all ends to even listen to
but thanks for being here (for) all of us to witness this ongoing performance as we get to the point of defending the election of demockracy this mockery has been nothing but a celebration of lethal joy of equal circuses of evil
let’s be real that any housing offered will be just another give away to the plague of developers who create devastation to bid on rebuilds in their wake of it. those same who bought up housing stock after the housing crises that saw shady refinancing throw people out of their homes owned for years and now nothing available except for astronomical rents that then throw those people elistist scummy vanguard of black rocked scoopers of that same wealth step over on the streets. too much duplicity spewing out all ends to even listen to
but thanks for being here (for) all of us to witness this ongoing performance as we get to the point of defending the election of demockracy this mockery has been nothing but a celebration of lethal joy of equal circuses of evil
Russell, your speech last weekend was epic!