A question -- how many independents and Democrat voters will vote in New Hampshire for -- Trump?

Out of their total disgust with DNC + state security cabal...

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I have voted for Democrats my entire life. In 2020, I voted for Biden. Today Biden spends billions of taxpayer dollars to protect the borders of Ukraine and Israel while our own southern border is wide open. He supports discrimination against whites and Asians in the name of “equity”. He believes that people can actually change their biological sex. That men belong in women’s sports and locker rooms and that children should be sterilized to attain the unattainable. Is he mentally fit to be president?

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Senile as he may be, Biden still generally knows who's paying for his ice cream, and right now, it's the globalist oligarchs who are trying to quash any sense of traditional values and national identity, and even common sense, to confuse and separate people. Divide and conquer, then squeeze the masses into ever narrower lives of misery, surveilling and controlling everything. Useful idiot Biden and his ilk believe they will be welcomed into the oligarch clique, but once their purpose is served, they will be eliminated. This methodology was explained by Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov decades ago, e.g. in the 1984 interview by G. Edward Griffin (https://youtu.be/yErKTVdETpw), while newer technological advances in fascistic "deplorable control" are continuously being rolled out by the World Economic Forum.

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I have voted for Democrats my entire life. In 2020, I voted for Biden. Today Biden spends billions of taxpayer dollars to protect the borders of Ukraine and Israel while our own southern border is wide open. He supports discrimination against whites and Asians in the name of “equity”. He believes that people can actually change their biological sex. That men belong in women’s sports and locker rooms and that children should be sterilized to attain the unattainable. Is he mentally fit to be president?

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I dunno man, being post duopoly makes all these microscopic hyperventilating examinations, projections and ruminations on every detail of the corrupt, dissolute, hopeless joke of our election process seem a tad irrelevant, and why I won't watch MSM news. Keep your machete wit focused on the hypocrisy and silliness of the whole spectacle and help me keep my sanity, as always.

I barely escaped my fate as a TruBlu Member of the Incremental Pragmatist Society. As the former president of a Democratic Club. I fled in 2007 when I was informed by the local boss "Principles? What? This is a BRAND, like Coke or Pepsi, we just color the little dots blue."

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